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Bro. Aaron 8 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 8 years ago 1

We provide a dinner prior to the start of our VBS I would like to include this in the scheduling and can not figure out how. It does not work out as a rotation seeing everyone goes there at the same time. It also is prior to our opening assembly.


The best you can do at present is make the opening assembly segment longer to accommodate for the dinner beforehand.

Thanks for the input; I'll pass your thoughts on to the rest of the team.


Grade and/or Age

Bro. Aaron 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

You only allow for grades to segregate the groups. I preffer to use age becuase it is less confusing for everyone. So I would like it if both options where available.


Greetings Aaron, I am happy to report that we already offer this functionality. Navigate to the bottom-left of your screen to " Settings", click that, then click "Age Group Settings". From there, you can change the names of all your age groups.

Not a bug

problems with volunteer registration

TCowie 8 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 7 years ago 1

I have had 2 volunteers tell me they registered online but I did not get a notification, nor are they showing up on my volunteer page.


Facebook link

Sarah Hurley 8 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 8 years ago 1

The Facebook link on our promo page doesn't work. What changes do I need to make? Thank you!


It should work for you now.

There was an issue on the public page that caused the wrong URL to be used for Facebook for all users. It has been corrected.


What is Sort Order in the Volunteer Role Edit screen?

Sarah Hurley 8 years ago updated by tgoldin84 8 years ago 2

That field controls the order that the roles are displayed on the settings page and the registration page. The lower the number, the earlier it will appear in the list.

We will be changing that in the next update. We're considering simply removing that field and always displaying the roles alphabetically. If we don't do that, we'll hide that "sort order" field and allow you to drag and drop the roles into the order you choose. We're trying to find the right balance between simplicity and flexibility. If you have an opinion about whether or not it is useful to be able to manually control the order these fields appear, let us know.


Public page

Sikes1995 8 years ago updated by Dan J. 3 years ago 7

I am trying to edit the content on my registration page and while it will allow me to type it will not give me an option to save the changes. Also, my public page does not have a registration "button" though it does have a volunteer button.


Our design team confirmed that there is supposed to be green "register" button at the top of the page. Somehow it got lost in the live version. It has been restored. So the register button should now be present.


The promo website generated, has the address listed twice.

tgoldin84 8 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 8 years ago 1

I checked the editor but it only shows it once. How do I remove the duplicate?


That was our mistake. We were showing the first line of the address a second time, instead of showing the second address line, if used. It should be fixed now.

Thanks for pointing out the error.


Can we have an Instagram handle option?

anonymous 8 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 4

We have an Instagram for our children's ministry and I would like to tag that.


An Instagram URL is now an option on the public page.


Where do I deactivate student registration?

anonymous 8 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 2 years ago 7

I clicked activate student registration thinking it would take me to the place to edit the registration form. It did not. How do I deactivate student registration as I have not edited the registration form yet?


Student and volunteer registration can now be turned on and off at will.

Go to the "Promote" page for your VBS. Under both "Student Registration" and "Volunteer Registration" sections, there is a toggle switch to enable or disable registration.

Note that you also must have your public page published in order for people to be able to register online. Click the "Edit Public Page" button to edit and publish your page.