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Changing Rotation Settings does not Change Group Names in Team Settings

Linda Suderman 8 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 2

As I did work with this some more I noticed that if I change the order on the" Rotation Settings" by dragging the into a different order, it does not change the order when I go to the "Team Settings" to work the the rotations groups. The rotations that I added are there, but the order doesn't change. Thanks!


This bug has been corrected. Group names should properly reflect the sort order of your rotation stations.

Not a bug

Registration Page

Angela Larson 8 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 3

The registration age is coming across as really disjointed. I am sure some one has probably already told you about it. Mine looks like it's missing a bunch of information but I am unsure of there the field is pulling from so I am unsure of what to fill in. Thanks


Rotation/ Schedule Feature

Dustin 8 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 8 years ago 1

Our VBS has a customized rotation schedule. Is there a way to not use this feature.


Yes, feel free to ignore the prompts to set it up and go ahead and check off the card. You are not required to use the schedule feature for the rest of it to work.


When I submit as a volunteer, I am brought to an error page

Swood 8 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 2

When I submit as a volunteer, I am brought to an error page and told to go back and try again, but the "submit" button is those little dots dancing and won't let me click.


We have corrected the issue. I did a test registration to confirm it is working. I deleted my registration when I was done.

We're still investigating the root cause of the problem so we can prevent it from happening again.

If you encounter any more issues, let us know.


Where do I get a url?

Angela Larson 8 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 8 years ago 9

I am stuck and can't seem to get an URL I can use. Please help


Library Table of Contents

susannasarahmarie 8 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 8 years ago 2

I am trying to give one of my coordinators access to the assembly guide as that is her responsibility. She went on and noticed that they are not in any kind of order. Is there a way to put them in order of days?


We have corrected the issue that was mixing up the tables of contents. They should be usable, now.


Going "live"?

Angela Larson 8 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 8 years ago 1

How do you recommend testing this out? privately send links to others to put it on the website?


Personalize Checklist

janahawkins23 8 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 3

I may be missing it, but is there a way to add tasks to the checklist?


No, the checklists are not customizable. You can't add things to them.

Just to help us understand how you'd like to use the tool, what sorts of things would you like to be able to add? The more we understand about your use case, the better job we can do of updating the software to meet your needs.


Different start times of different days

AngelaLarson 8 years ago updated by Scott T. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 6 years ago 6

On our VBS we have start Sunday Night and continue mon-thurs. morning. is there a way to put that on the website? On the main page it only looks like we can have one time frame. And we can't opt not to have that field appear. Maybe a per day hours if not the same?


It is now possible to hide the start times on your public page. When editing your public page, there is a toggle just above the times you can use to enable or disable the display of the times.


Schedule edit

Bro. Aaron 8 years ago updated by Linda Suderman 8 years ago 4

Is there a way to edit the scheduling ourselves to create our own rotations? I ask this because we actually run three groups that are broke down in to three more groups. For Example our Pre-Primary groups is broke down into three ages that all have separate schedules. Yet all of our Pre-Primarys go to music at the same time.