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Team Roster

Angela Larson 7 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 7

I just Printed the Team Roster from the Manage Student Page. A couple of questions/concerns. First - and most important, I have a child registered with medical concerns but NO WHERE on the team roster does it indicate that. I feel is we are using that to keep track of teams allergy and medical information should be present on that. I haven't been able to find where that information imprinted so I can give that to team leaders and classroom teachers.

Also, we don't use all the check boxes for those purposes. Is there a way to customize them?


Export Managed Students

eshea_ross 7 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 7 years ago 1

Is there an easy way to export a complete list of managed students with details?


Yes, go to People > Manage Students > Print Team Roster.


Where is the completed or submit button for registration?

aedobsfamily 7 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 7 years ago 1

information on VBS web page.

jodilynn_taylor 8 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 2

I would like to be able to add more than just the date and location to the VBS web site and I can't edit the one paragraph that is pre-written.


That paragraph is editable. Just go to the Edit Public Page option under "Promote." You can type whatever you want in that section.

There is a known issue that is being corrected in the next update. The save button doesn't appear when you make changes only to the content section. You'll also need to change something else to get the save button to appear. An easy option is to flip the "Show video on public page" toggle back and forth to trigger the save button to appear at the top.


Ages instead of grades?

Tammy 8 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 8 years ago 1

Our church has moved away from grade grouping to age groupings. We also include preschool in our VBS. Is there any way I can create teams to meet my criteria?


Absolutely. You can change the age groups to be whatever you want. Just go to into the settings section (there's a link at the bottom of the left menu) and select "Age Group Settings." You can rename the existing groups, delete any you don't need, and add whatever additional ones you do. You also can reorder them by dragging the icon at the left of each age group field.

Once you have your age groups defined, you'll probably want to go to the "Team Settings" to be sure ages are being assigned to teams the way you want,


We don't use teams

Laurie 8 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 8 years ago 1

We do not group our children by teams but rather by grades/ages and our rotations do not work the same way. How can I edit this to work with out situation/


Coordinator email was sent, but the coordinator can't see the event after she made an account

jwashabaugh 8 years ago updated by Heather H 6 years ago 5

I added my coworker as a coordinator for our VBS, but once she went through the process of making an account, she has no access to the event. I resent the invite, but it still isn't working.


State Not Appearing on Public Page

Linda Suderman 8 years ago updated 7 years ago 15

Oklahoma still does not show up after "Meno," on the webpage https://newhopedale.myanswers.com/operation-arctic/ and it still says "Select state" not Oklahoma on the drop down box on the "Manage Organization" page. Thanks for looking at this.


The site should now properly support holding your event at a different address than the church. The setting is controlled under Event Settings.


Promotional Banners & Widgets for church website

Adriana@RVBC 8 years ago updated by Marsha Schmuck 7 years ago 19

Are the Banners & Countdown Widgets that were available to post on our websites to promote VBS going to be available soon to post on our church website & public page?


The Countdown widget is available. Go yo the "Promote" section and look for "Promotion Tools" in the left menu. That page provides the code you'll need to put a countdown on your church webpage. You'll need to provide that code to the person who manages your church website.