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Yes, that is enabled by default. You can check/adjust your settings from your user profile.


I can't add an email field to the registration form

CAROL 7 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 7 years ago 1

Hi Carol, all our registration forms come with the email field built-in; you don't need to add it yourself.


Where can I preview the forms?

CAROL 7 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 7 years ago 1

I've added some fields and I'd like to see how they appear.


Sure, go to Promote -> Edit Public Page -> Preview. (We're having some issues with the preview page though. If you encounter these, click Publish and View, then Unpublish afterwards.) The Register and Volunteer Sign Up buttons will take you to the publicly viewable forms.


Hi Carol, this is what we have right now on the volunteer form for volunteer areas once the VBS has started:


The ending time isn't showing up when I preview the Promote page.

CAROL 7 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 2

I have inputted an ending time.

As we run in the afternoons as well, this is important.


This has been corrected. The end time is now displayed on the public page.


Coordinator - No Events Scheduled

Callista Ramirez 7 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 1

I was invited to be a Coordinator but it states "You have no events scheduled" on my home page. What do I need to do to view our event and help the other Coordinator?

Not a bug

Donate Button from public web site

Jen 7 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 2

I looked for other comments about this functionality, but didn't see any. Do you know why the "Donate" button on the public site links back to the Director Checklist in the Digital Director, rather than the URL that I assigned in the page settings?


Can we go "Live"

Angela Larson 7 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 7 years ago 3

Can we go Live with this version and will updates just occur? I have a late advertisement coming out the first of April and need registration available for it when it does.


Yes, if you publish the public page it will be publicly available, including registration if you've enabled that. (This is all under the "Promote" tab). And yes, we do our best to make updates as seamless as possible.


Check List Editing

starlightbaptistvbs 7 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 6

May I add new items to my checklist? In other words, can I customize the list to fit my needs?


change date format

How do I change the date format and the font that appears on the public page?