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Multiple roles

Laura 7 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 1

I have several folks who where several hats. Is there anyway to assign them to more than one role, like registration and snacks? They have the ability to select multiple roles when they register, but then it seems I can only assign them to one of those duties.


Currently, the tools on the "manage volunteers" page only support assigning a volunteer to a single role and team. (We are looking at improving this process.)

However, you can edit a Volunteer's record and manually add them to as many teams/roles as you need.

From the "Manage Volunteers" page, click on the volunteer's name. Then click "Edit." At the very bottom of the form, there are checkboxes for the teams and roles. Click the ones you want, and then click the "Edit Volunteer" button at the bottom of the page to save.


Website for Donation - turn off

Laura 7 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 2

Can we get an off toggle added to the display of "Website for Donation"?


As long as you don't enter anything in that field, it won't show up on your public page.


Need to change password

Laurie 7 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 7 years ago 1

I need to change my password, I currently can log in using facebook but want to change the password on digital director so this can not be done. When I put in my current one (facebook password) it says incorrect. I have tried forgot password but don't get an email.


Hi Laurie, because you were logging in through Facebook you do not have a password set in our system for your account. To create a password, you'll need to follow the link in the password reset email (I just sent one to you). It'll ask you to enter a new password and then re-enter it. Your account will then be accessible via email and password going forward.


Can not edit medical concern on child registration form

Laurie 7 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 7 years ago 1

I want to edit medical concerns to simple text so the parents can type them in.


That is by design, and necessary for the system to work correctly. (The allergy information field also should not be changed, though it may not be protected on accounts created fairly in the beta test.)

The system needs to know two pieces of information about medical needs and allergies: 1) whether or not the student has any and 2) what they are. That is the purpose served by the "checkbox with details". The checkbox identifies the student as having allergies or a medical condition. If checked, the parent will be presented with a text field where they are prompted to enter the details. Without the checkbox, the system would incorrectly flag students as having allergies or medical needs if parents entered something like "None," "No" or "N/A" in the box.


Schedule customization

Laura 7 years ago updated by Benjamin S. (Answers in Genesis - Web Support Analyst) 4 months ago 4

We have a 25 min. opening ceremony, so it ends at 9:25, but the schedule generated doesn't start the first "station" time till 9:51. What drives that schedule? We only account for a 5 minute transition time between stations, so we should start at 9:30, have a 20 minute "station" and repeat. Can I do anything to "fix" it?


The generated schedule doesn't account for transition time. I set your opening session to be 30 minutes. (25 minutes + 5 minutes to transition) I believe that makes the schedule timing work out as you expected.

BTW: We are looking into reworking how the schedule timing is handled to try to make things less confusing.



Laura 7 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 2

I added a rotation when trying to test something out, but it won't allow me to delete it.


The issue with deleting rotations has been corrected. You should be able to delete rotations now.


age groups in order

jwc123 7 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 7 years ago 4

I have edited age groups in my registration form so that they appear in decsending order, but when I visit the online registration page, the ages are all mixed up. Anything I can do to fix?


The bug related to the sort order of newly added age groups has been corrected. Newly added age groups should now display sorted as expected.


Shared Group Rotation

Laura 7 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 4

Is there a way to have all groups attend one rotation together? We have a shared snack rotation where all groups attend that rotation at the same time.


Unable to activate student registration

jwc123 7 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 2

When I try to activate student registration, I get a message that says the server is acting up. Been getting that message for almost a week.


This has been corrected. There was a problem on the "Activate Student Registration" task. That task has been updated, and should work correctly now.


That's currently how we have the template set up; City and State/Province are at the top, and the full address is lower down on the page, just below the Google Maps widget.