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Is there a way to make a field "required" that says no and does not have a way to edit it? Also, is there a way to change the order that the fields appear on the form?
For example, the Email field is listed as not being required, and there is not an option to edit it. I just want to make it a required field.
Also, the phone number for the Emergency Contact - I would like to clarify that by labeling it "Emergency Contact Phone"

Hi Patti, I have made these changes to your event. Please let me know if you need any more assistance.

Can volunteers see where other volunteers sign up
In order to have our volunteer spots filled, we have the option for people to choose the team they are volunteering for. Is there a way for the volunteers to see where other volunteers have signed up?

Volunteers do not have access to see any data in VBS Director. So, they can't see what positions are filed.
If you wish to encourage people to request certain roles, you could put a message on the volunteer registration form with your needs. You can put a "Display only test field" on the form with your message to new registrants. This message wouldn't be automatically updated to reflect new registrants, but you can manually update it at any time.

Will classes reassign if age is changed?
We will have PK4 through 5th grade, with 4-5 teams per grade. Using round robin assigning, if I have to change a grade or age, will the system reassign the student?

No, the automatic assignment happens when the student is registered. Students will not be automatically reassigned later.
If you add a new team, the "round robin" setting would assign new registrants in that new class first, until its enrollment catches up with the other teams for that grade. Then it would go back to rotating through the teams until they're filled.
If you remove a team, any students on that team will become "unassigned" and would need to be manually assigned to a new team.

can i customize which coordinators get email alerts
I've named several coordinators - publicity, decorating, drama, etc. but now all of these people are getting an email every time a new student registers. Is it possible for only the VBS director to get those email rather than all the coordinators?

Each coordinator can set their own email preferences. That's done on the "Email" page in the settings section of your event.

Form Fields- Error
Under "Settings" > "Forms" > "Family Information I am trying to edit the "Email" block so that an email is required when parents register. I am not seeing an option to edit that block or to delete it. Why can I do this with other items under "Family information", but not the "Email" block?

We previously fixed email to be an editable field, but existing events were not affected by this change. I've manually changed the family information email field on your registration form over to both be editable and required. :)

Permission Form
Our students, entering 5th grade, need an extra permission form because we take them off-site. Is there a way to add a permission form to the registration process?

If all you need is for parents to check a box giving permission, you can customize the registration form to include that. You'd need to include a note that this only applies to 5th grade.
If you need a permission slip filled out, you could add that information to the email they receive after registering, and include a link to a form they can print out and bring in. You'd need to create a form and put it in a publicly accessible place on the internet.
Instructions for updating the email and including a link can be found here:
Can I include links or attachments in the registration email?

Excel download problem
We are testing our online registration. I have four test students registered. When I tested the excel download I see that several of our fields are not appearing in the spreadsheet (ie. street, birthdate, etc.), several are appearing under the wrong column headings (state, zip, phone) and some column headings are appearing that I deleted. Also, one person who helped "test register" said that the birthday calendar was "glitchy" and she didn't have a "submit" button when she attempted to register a second child (that child doesn't appear in our registered list)

When will the VBS Director be available for Camp Kilimanjaro?
Our 2017 VBS begins on June 5th. The VBS Director with online registration is a critical part of our VBS with over 100 students.

Adult/Teen Registration
Please consider adding a simple registration form for the teen & adult classes as well - name, address, and contact information would be helpful.

I pulled this part of your comment into a new thread to make it easier for other people to find and comment on it. Other comments will help us gauge how many people would find a feature like this useful.
You can add "adult" and "teen" age groups to the participant registration form. Of course, this still isn't ideal as you need a lot more information about children than you do for adults.
I have passed your idea on to the team for consideration. At this point, I think it is unlikely that we'll be able to get a feature like this completed for this year.

How can I edit the registration confirmation message?

Click the Promote tab, then click Edit Student Welcome Email and/or Edit Volunteer Welcome Email to edit the message that sends upon registration.
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