Your comments

The student column on the Teams Settings page has been corrected to only include students. The design team will look into adding a separate worker count at some point, but at least the student number is correct now.

The incorrect student count on the Team Settings page has been corrected. Also, our team is working on enhancing the print options to allow you to print selected students. If all goes well, that functionality should be available this VBS season.

Thanks for the additional information. It helps us to know how people want to use this tool.

Right now, there is no way to change what is shown on that page. On that screen, you are only two clicks away from the full details for an individual student--click the student, and then click edit. (We're working on enhancing the student information page to include all the details there, so eventually you'll only be one click away.)

For now, it may be easiest to download the the student data and print out a spreadsheet for use at the sign-in table

Sure, you can change the age groups to whatever you need. That is done from the Age Groups page in the Settings section.

You can get more details here: How do I change the age groups?

I'm not sure I understand which page you're referring to or the types of changes you want to make.

In general, post pages can't be changed. You can customize the registration forms and your public page. On other pages, you can define and edit content, but not change the layout or what data is displayed.

I don't know if that answered your question. If you provide more details, I may be able to offer more help. 

You can customize the teams  on the Teams page in the settings section  You can create additional teams and adjust which age groups are associated with each.

Someone else just noticed the student count issue, as well. That issue has been passed on to the team to be corrected.


We do not have a way to print horizontal nametags from within MyAnswers. 

You can download the participant data and print it using mail merge in word processor or an online tool like

We definitely shouldn't be including everyone in a column labeled "Students." I've passed this issue on to the team. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. 

I did a test registration on your public page, and I did receive a confirmation email. I deleted my registration when I was done.

As far as I can tell, the welcome emails do appear to be going out.