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Good afternoon Julie,

The resource codes come with the ABC Print materials. If you have ABC Digital, you don't need those codes (ABC Digital has all that content and more), though we can provide them for you if you'd like, just let us know what unit/s you are on.



AiG Web Support


Hello Heather,

The Digital Resources for ABC Print can be accessed from two areas, our new page (https://myanswers.com/edu/resources/), and the original page (https://myanswers.com/edu/resources/v1/). The original page is still used for the KJV resources but you can download the ESV resources on either page. The new page lets you download individual files while the original page has downloadable .zip files.

Please let us know if you have any more questions or issues!


AiG Web Support


How do I add more coordinators.

Cheri 3 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 3 years ago 2

It tells me to upgrade but I wasable to add a prayer and publicity coordinator. I dont even know if I have the upgraded version.


Good afternoon Cheri,

I checked and confirmed that your Zoomerang VBS is fully upgraded to Digital Pro. You shouldn't see any more upgrade prompts but please let us know if you do encounter anything unexpected or have any further questions or issues!



AiG Web Support

Not a bug

404 register page not found

Laurel Wilbanks 3 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 3 years ago 1

register button use to work, now missing totally from zoomerang page.

https://thesummitchurch.myanswers.com/zoomerang is the website that your system brings up about zoomerang, but the section that registration occurs at is blank.  If I add /register/ to the web address I get the 404 page not found error.  It worked great 3 days ago. We were suppose to go live with registration tomorrow.


Good afternoon Laurel,

Here are your public VBS links:

Public page: https://thesummitchurch.myanswers.com/zoomerang/

Student registration: https://thesummitchurch.myanswers.com/zoomerang/register/

Volunteer registration: https://thesummitchurch.myanswers.com/zoomerang/volunteer/

Please note that your registration forms will only appear on your public page if they are enabled under the Promote tab (https://myanswers.com/vbs/manage/31202/promotion/).

Please let us know if you have any more questions or issues!


AiG Web Support


VBS 2010 Answers in Genesis - The Egypt File

Rhonda W 3 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 3 years ago 1

Can I get my hands on this material still?


Good afternoon Rhonda,

Unfortunately, AiG no longer carries the Egypt File VBS (https://answersingenesis.org/blogs/ken-ham/2009/09/18/egypt-file-decoding-the-mystery-of-life/). It is also unavailable in our MyAnswers VBS Digital portal as Egypt File arrived before we offered the VBS materials online. The websites only support VBS themes back through Kingdom Chronicles (2012).

I was able to find the Egypt File songs in our Kids section, but sadly that's about it: https://answersingenesis.org/kids/videos/vbs/egypt-files-songs/.

Please let us know if you have any more questions and we would be happy to assist!


AiG Web Support


Hi Karen,

I just heard back from our web content team; all the class notes should be attached to the lesson. Not for all grades though, Pre-K and Grades 2-3 don't have them. If you don't see them for a particular lesson please let us know and we can check on that for you.


AiG Web Support


game instructions page not found

Daren 3 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 3 years ago 3

I'm getting a message saying that the games instructions page is not found.  Afterwards, my task is automatically marked complete, even though I have not viewed the games yet.


Happy to help! :)


Please Create a Music coordinator role

vbs 3 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 3 years ago 1

I have read some of the public comments about creating a Music Coordinator position and one thread suggest using the drama position but that won't solve the issue. You really need to have a "Music" role under the coordinator access. I have one person for drama and another for Music. It will get confusing when either or are accessing material they need to use.  Just like we can change the Teams and team colors, we should be able to do the same for the coordinator. 


Updating and improving the coordinator roles has been a very common request already this year (and in the past), both for adding new ones and locking down edit permissions for the non-director roles. The way the system is set up at present, people either get full view/add/edit permissions or nothing for students, volunteers, teams, etc.

It would be really nice to be able to segment out those permissions more and we are evaluating how best to do that. The issue at present is if we remove permissions from any of the sub-director roles, they would also lose access to viewing the various sections as well, so we would need to adjust those permissions to allow for view-only access.

The Teacher role is the most restricted at the moment, just giving access to the digital library and promotion tools.



Kellytd05 3 years ago updated by Benjamin S. (Answers in Genesis - Web Support Analyst) 11 months ago 3

1. Is there an article somewhere with a detailed description of each coordinator role?  The drop down box of choosing roles does not say what the teacher role can/cannot access.

2.  Is there ANY way we can edit coordinator roles?  We don't need our music, games, drama, crafts, etc leaders to be able to edit, view, and delete personal volunteer and student information.


1. The teacher role only has access to their checklist and the VBS Digital library.  We have a task to update the description of the Teacher role but our development resources are severely limited at present so I can't promise a timeframe on that fix.

2. No, VBS Digital does not currently support editing the existing coordinator roles. I just checked on the permissions setup in the backend and it doesn't currently allow for granular permissions among the various roles, so it is all or nothing for students, volunteers, teams, etc. Those roles need to be able to view the students, volunteers, and teams, so they are set up like that for now.
Further breaking apart the permissions and improving the coordinator roles and permissions is is something we definitely want to add. When we do get some more help I will be sure to prioritize presenting that as an area that needs work.

Thanks for your feedback!


AiG Web Support


Why does the first lesson start on lesson 5 not lesson 1?

laurabeth4062 3 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 3 years ago 1

Hi Laura,

I can help you with that! The class starts with lesson 1 by default, but if you select a different starting lesson it will jump ahead like that. I've reset your class to start with lesson 1 on Feb. 6; please let us know if you need anything else!


AiG Web Support