
VBS 2010 Answers in Genesis - The Egypt File

Rhonda W 3 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 3 years ago 1

Can I get my hands on this material still?



Good afternoon Rhonda,

Unfortunately, AiG no longer carries the Egypt File VBS (https://answersingenesis.org/blogs/ken-ham/2009/09/18/egypt-file-decoding-the-mystery-of-life/). It is also unavailable in our MyAnswers VBS Digital portal as Egypt File arrived before we offered the VBS materials online. The websites only support VBS themes back through Kingdom Chronicles (2012).

I was able to find the Egypt File songs in our Kids section, but sadly that's about it: https://answersingenesis.org/kids/videos/vbs/egypt-files-songs/.

Please let us know if you have any more questions and we would be happy to assist!


AiG Web Support


Good afternoon Rhonda,

Unfortunately, AiG no longer carries the Egypt File VBS (https://answersingenesis.org/blogs/ken-ham/2009/09/18/egypt-file-decoding-the-mystery-of-life/). It is also unavailable in our MyAnswers VBS Digital portal as Egypt File arrived before we offered the VBS materials online. The websites only support VBS themes back through Kingdom Chronicles (2012).

I was able to find the Egypt File songs in our Kids section, but sadly that's about it: https://answersingenesis.org/kids/videos/vbs/egypt-files-songs/.

Please let us know if you have any more questions and we would be happy to assist!


AiG Web Support