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When I try to open lesson it says, page not found 404. Can you help me?

niseidanmls 3 months ago updated by Florence 4 weeks ago 6

Can not add field to VBS digital student form

Caleb Lawhorn 11 months ago updated by Benjamin S. (Answers in Genesis - Web Support Analyst) 11 months ago 3

Hi! On my VBS digital dashboard, when I try to add a field to student registration form, I receive a page that says, "server error 500." Is there a way to fix this so I can continue preparing for VBS this summer?


keep getting 404

robertpowell19601 3 months ago updated by Benjamin S. (Answers in Genesis - Web Support Analyst) 3 months ago 1

keep getting "page not found" when i push for lesson 51.


Why cant I print any resources, except power point?

Elivette Montalvo 5 months ago updated by Benjamin S. (Answers in Genesis - Web Support Analyst) 4 months ago 2


Yes, our apologies. We did have an issue on our end, and with our most recent patch update this afternoon, this issue should be fixed. Please try to access your lesson resources and let me know if you are still not able to generate or download the PDFs. 


Benjamin Sherrick


How to pay for ABC DIGITAL?

Trying to purchase 4 ABC DIGITAL classes.  How?


Hello Deanna,

Thank you for reaching out to us about purchasing ABC Digital. We’ll be activating the ability to start paying on January 2nd. Starting then, you will see a new dialog box that will allow you to set up your subscription.

There will also be a grace period until January 11th in case you're concerned about losing access if you don't start the subscription right away.

Please let me know if you have any more questions or issues!

Have a Happy New Year!

Benjamin Sherrick


Thank you!

amanda 5 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 5 years ago 1

Thank you for getting Unit 14 uploaded to the beta and thank you for including a PDF of the entire teacher book and the printable resources.  This is so amazing for me printing and for teachers viewing from home!  Keep up the good work!


Is there a way to access prior lessons for a unit?

nbbcchildren 5 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 5 years ago 1


ABC Digital is currently using a 5-lesson access window, but last I heard, we will be changing it so that you don't lose access to past lessons, and new lessons will be unlocked on a per-unit basis. I don't have a time frame to provide as to when these changes will take effect, but in the meantime, if you have a specific need please let me know and I'll do my best to get you the content.




New Feedback Response.

leb86 6 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 5 years ago 2
You have new feedback from leb86@aol.com.
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This a great platform and pretty easy to use. It would be nice if the lesson plans that show on the right hand side (after you click on each element of the lesson plan) had a larger text box or an option to print the entire lesson plan. The textbox as it currently is is rather small so you have to keep scrolling to see the entire plan.
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Thanks for your feedback, Jeffrey!