Your comments

Hello, just letting you know that we are looking into this and I will update you when I know more.

Hello Reba, I checked on your account and can confirm that you successfully added your Time Lab Super Starter Kit access code to your account. If you are seeing a page with restricted access, it's probably for the Digital Library, which was not included in your purchase. If you want to add the digital versions of your Super Starter Kit materials, that is an additional $39. If you have any further questions please let me know.

The issue has been fixed and your page has been published.

Hello! The issue has been fixed and your page has been published.

Hello, I just checked on your page and it does look like there is an issue with the publish button actually publishing. We're reviewing this issue and I'll let you know when we have an update on a fix. Thanks for your patience.

Hello, to add preschoolers to the registration form, go to Settings -> Age Groups, and click Add Age Group. I've added Preschool as an age group for you already; feel free to change the name, sorting, etc. as you'd like.