Your comments
OK I have set those fields to required. Please let me know if you need any more assistance or further tweaks.
Yes, go to Promote --> Public Page, Edit Registration Forms, and click the Edit button.
If the edit button is not available and you see the "i" icon, this is because they are locked. This is done because if they are renamed or removed it causes other parts of the system that depend on them to break.
These fields are set to optional by default so they don't have to be filled in (but they do have to be on the page), but if people would like their field/s to be set to required, we can do so it in the backend.
Which of these fields would you like to be set to be required?
Hello Paul, we have now fixed it so that if http is entered it will automatically forward to https.
Hello Pam,
You can download the Grade 2-3 Lesson 1 file from this page:
In the .zip file, the PowerPoint is in the PowerPoint folder.
Good afternoon Randy,
We don't currently offer the Digital Library in KJV. The physical guides in the Starter Kits are purposely Bible version-neutral (with traditional and contemporary music choices), but we have the verses listed out in ESV on the online version. Most of, if not all of the actual content should still be usable if you read the KJV version instead of the listed translation.
Hi Jackie,
While we don't have a video explaining the animal each day, here are some short video clips--including the animal pals--that you may find useful in your presentation.
Yes, go to Promote -> Student Registration, Edit Student Welcome Email -> Email for student contact.
Unfortunately we don't have a way to easily distinguish between events of the same theme on that page. However, if you hover over the Manage button, the URL there has the event ID in it. 3240 is the AM one, and 3536 is the PM one.
Hi Andrea,
Just letting you know that this has been fixed, so you can go ahead and print student details now.
God bless,
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello everyone. Our apologies for this bug. We're looking into a fix and will keep you posted when we have an update.