This forum exists to provide technical support for downloading and using Answers Bible Curriculum downloadable resources. 

You are viewing the Answers Bible Curriculum Support Forum. For questions or feedback about VBS Director, visit the VBS Digital forum.


why can't I access the music files? It takes me to a web page that says forbidden 403.

sol 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 4

Where did the unit 3 resources go?

mschultz 7 years ago updated by mlundberg 7 years ago 1

The Unit 3 resources were accessible last week where did they go now?


When you enter the Unit 2 code from the teacher guide, the content should be added to your account. Be aware that the Unit 2 is code contains both a numeric zero and an alphabetic letter "O." The zero comes before the letter O in the code. If you reverse them, or enter both as zeros or "O's", it won't work. 

The Unit 1 content will still be there, but if you scroll down, the Unit 2 content should be there be there in the appropriate section. Just scroll down to that section.

If it isn't there, let us know so we can investigate further.


Where is the extended resources for UNIT 1 found?

Mainer4 7 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 1

At the end of the lesson 9 teachers page it  says that more information can be found at you online resources page,, but when I try to find it there is an error (timeout).  Can you provide a link or is this URL wrong?


Books of the Bible cards in color?

kristibittle 7 years ago updated by Gary V. 7 years ago 2

I found the printable Books of the Bible sheets but do they also come in colour to print out and be ready to use for games without having to sit and colour them all by hand?



sarah 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

I can not seem to find any videos which I thought were included with our purchase, for lessons 1-10. We do have the ones that came with the free trial however, when we purchased the lessons, they didn't seem to include any videos.  Please help!  



marshamcmillin50 7 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 7 years ago 6

So this is an extension of my previous question.  I am transitioning from the old unit to the new curriculum.  So I ordered unit 3 and it said to start on lesson 24, which I did, but now I don't have any downloadable resources available.  At least I can't find any.  I am looking for the Class notes, etc.  By the middle of october I will be almost completed with the unit 3 and have had no support.


"Take home pages" and "Family devotional"?

sherrygaboury 7 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 7 years ago 1

Love what I see so far!  Just beginning the curriculum, where do I find the "take home pages" and the "family devotion book"?