This forum exists to provide technical support for downloading and using Answers Bible Curriculum downloadable resources.
You are viewing the Answers Bible Curriculum Support Forum. For questions or feedback about VBS Director, visit the VBS Digital forum.
where can i find the Prek-Grade 1 music. I do have a code, but I cannot find it.
Unit 1 Lesson 6 Seven C's TImeline
In Lesson 6 of Unit 1 the curriculum says to "refer to the Seven C's Timeline to show when the Old Testament canon was recorded" I have found no other reference or printout referring to the Seven C's Timeline. Where can I find a copy of the Seven C's Timeline and an explanation of what the Timeline represents?
how do you print out all the bible verses used for each lesson
trouble downloading the resources for Unit 3 Middle school
i received the package of materials for Unit 3 for Middle School. When we entered the access code it says that the materials are there but none show up after we scroll down. We use Google
Free Lessons for Thanksgiving
I did all the steps to receive the Free Lessons for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It said they were "added to my account." Now how do I find them to print them?
digital download for updated curriculum
do you have an idea of when the updated lessons for the Old Testament will be available for digital download?
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