Your comments

The back arrow should be working now everywhere on the site.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Our designers have updated the printed Team Roster to include allergy and medical information.

We believe the invitation process is working as intended now. If you run into more probems, let us know.

The bug related to the sort order of newly added age groups has been corrected. Newly added age groups should now display sorted as expected.

We have now made it more obvious when a student record isn't being saved due to a validation error.

The way the age group selector works on the volunteer registration form has been reworked. Volunteers can now select any number of groups as their preference.

We have now updated the registration forms to make it clear when there was a validation error.

That sounds like a good idea. I've passed the request on to our developers for considertion.

Sorry you're running into trouble getting started. The checklist is designed to walk you through using the tool step by step including setting up the public page and registration pages.Of course, you're free to skip the checklist and just use the tools you want.

The public page is set up in the "Promote" section. Click the "Edit public page" button to set up the page to your liking. Once you're satisfied, click the "Publish" button on the "Edit public page" page to make it available to the public. Once the page is published, the web address will appear at the top left. That's the link you can provide on your website, on social media, or wherever you want to promote your VBS

The "Promote" page also allows you to enable or disable registration. There are toggle switches there for both student and worker registration..

The age groups are defined on their own settings page. Just look for "Age Groups" in the left menu of the settings section.