Your comments

Right now the only way to individually view students is to go to People -> Manage All Volunteers -> Filter by New -> Click on each volunteer name to view their preferences. We are working on making individual enrollee pages (both student and volunteer) more printer friendly, so look for that coming soon!

I'm not sure, but it would probably help if you specified what resources you are referring to. We'd like to help but there's not much to go on at present. More information would be appreciated. Thanks!

Hi Evelyn, in the Manage All Volunteers page, if you use the actions drop-down list to select "Download Volunteer List", that will provide you a spreadsheet that you can use to see what preferences volunteers have checked. The nature of registration is such that the spreadsheet will change until your volunteers are all registered; there's nothing we can do about that. If you have made significant changes to a previously downloaded spreadsheet you can also copy individual rows from a new version and paste them into it.

Happy to help! We'll look into why it's not working in IE.

Hi Josh, there are four print options in the top-right dropdown list in the enrollment sections. Which one or ones of these are not working for you? Also, what browser are you using? Thanks!

No, we don't support sending custom messages from Director, so you'll have to import all their email addresses into a separate email and contact them that way.

I'm not sure what you're referring to, as even in the old VBS Manager we didn't support mass emailings. The method has always been that if you wanted to send an email to everyone, you'd need to download the registration spreadsheet of the registrations, and then paste the email addresses into a email window.

Unfortunately we don't have sorting (by teams or otherwise) implemented in the nametag sheets. That's a good suggestion though; we'll look at expanding the print options for students and volunteers going forward.

If you go to People -> Students -> Manage All Students -> Print/Download -> Print Nametags, you can print the list of all enrolled students.