Your comments

Hello Teresa,

You can control the online registration from the "Promote" page. To disable volunteer registration, simply turn it off with the toggle switch. These changes are made immediately.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.




While we do not support accepting payments directly through our VBS Digital Tools, you can include links to third-party payment platforms (like PayPal) that will display on your public page and on the registration confirmation page.

Please see these articles for details:

Please let me know if I can help with anything else.


Hello Sandy,

I checked on your event; the public page URL is set to

Please note that in order to make that link publicly accessible and shareable,  you will first need to publish the page.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.



Hello Sylvia,

We don't currently offer full PDFs of the ABC lessons; just the resources, music, and printables (these are also included in the resources download, but have been split out for convenience).

We do have plans to build out ABC's online presence with full online lesson availability and better download functionality, but I can't give you a timetable other than we hope to get the beta launched by summer and have it ready for the Fall Sunday School period.



Hello Kirk,

You can currently only edit the starting time, ending time, rotation length, and opening/closing assembly length. You can do this from Settings --> Schedule.

You can either set the time of your opening assembly to include your dinner/snack (5:30), or you can set the opening assembly time to 6:00 and clarify the details about the dinner on your public page. 

Please let me know if you have any further questions.



Hello Kirk,

Unfortunately we are not able to support adding custom images to the public page. If that functionality was allowed we would need to review the images being posted, which would pull resources off other projects. Please let me know if you have any further questions.



Good morning Kathy,

Thank you for bring this to our attention, we had a small technical issue with accessing these files. You should be able to access the Guides now. Please let me know if you have any further issues.



Hello Stacy,

Unfortunately we are not able to support customizing the time each station begins. We were looking into expanding scheduling options but weren't able to fit it into the improvements for this year.

You can edit the start time, end time, rotation length, and opening/closing sessions. This can be done from your Settings page. Settings --> Schedule. Please let me know if you have any further questions.



Hello Jeff,

You can access your unit 4 downloads here: Please let me know if I can help with anything else.



Good afternoon Kristen,

Yes, we have added the ability to add or remove an event from the "Find Local VBS Events" page. You can turn this feature off from your event settings page (Dashboard -> Settings -> Event). Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Also, please see this Knowledge Base article about your options with restricting registrations:

Is there a way to automatically turn off registration when full?

