Your comments

Hello Jo,

You can find the daily challenges by following this path: Dashboard -> Library -> Resources -> Director -> Challenges. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.



Hello Paula,

You can find a participation award as well as a visitors award on the DVD-ROM that came with your kit. The file name is "Director_Helps and Forms".

We also have Completion Certificates available here:

Please let me know if I can help with anything else.



Good morning Teresa,

We do not currently provide a way to keep track of the daily points digitally. However, we do have PDF's you can print for each day and use them to track points. 

The tally sheets can be found by following this path: Dashboard -> Library -> Resources -> Director -> Miscellaneous -> Team Roster. You can find more information about the Team Challenges and tracking points in the Director's Guide, under the Daily Itinerary section.

Please let me know if I can help with anything else.



Hello Kristen,

We are not able to support customizing the printable rosters at this time. You can add additional info to the margins on the printed pages, or you can make your own custom roster using the downloadable spreadsheet. To get there, go to People -> Students, Manage All Students ->Actions drop-down menu -> Download Full Student List.

Please let me know if I can help with anything else,



Hello Billy,

While both of the Uniqueness of Man videos are taken from the same talk, they do differ in content. You will notice at the 2:36 mark of His Expression and Soul the video changes from the His Feet and Hands video.

Please let me know if I can help with anything else.



Hello Keith,

To remove a student, go to the Enrolled Students page and click the check-box next to their name. Next, click the the Actions dropdown and select "Remove Students".

Please let me know if I can help with anything else.



Good morning Cole,

Sorry to hear you are having trouble. You can find the Leading a Child to Christ resource by using the following path.

From your Dashboard click -> Library -> Guides -> Director Guide, then click on the Leading a Child to Christ file.

Please let me know if I can help with anything else.



Hello Joanna,

We do not currently support printing blank name tags with the VBS logo on them. However, you can order a pack of blank name tags here:

Please let me know if I can help with anything else.



Hello Lisa,

Did you find Arthur's comments above helpful? If you need clarification please let me know.



Hello Roger,

Sorry to hear you are not able to find what you are looking for, you can contact our Customer Service team by phone (800-778-3390). They will be able to give you more information about availability.

