Your comments

Hello Laura,

If you are looking to put in an access code for ABC Resources, please visit your ABC Resouces page at


Benjamin Sherrick


Yes, our apologies. We did have an issue on our end, and with our most recent patch update this afternoon, this issue should be fixed. Please try to access your lesson resources and let me know if you are still not able to generate or download the PDFs. 


Benjamin Sherrick

Hello Karen,

Yes, our apologies. We did have an issue, but with our most recent update this afternoon, the issue should be fixed. Please try to access your lesson resources and let me know if you are still not able to generate and download the PDF files.


Benjamin Sherrick

Hello Deanna,

Thank you for reaching out to us about purchasing ABC Digital. We’ll be activating the ability to start paying on January 2nd. Starting then, you will see a new dialog box that will allow you to set up your subscription.

There will also be a grace period until January 11th in case you're concerned about losing access if you don't start the subscription right away.

Please let me know if you have any more questions or issues!

Have a Happy New Year!

Benjamin Sherrick

Hello Liz,

The system automatically fills in the rotation stations with teams, so, unfortunately, it doesn't allow for syncing up stations. When setting multiple first stations to different teams, this just lumps the teams to an existing group. Ideally, we would prevent first stations from being selected more than once, but that restriction is not yet in place. I'm sorry that tripped you up.

We understand that scheduling is an important part of a VBS event, but we don't currently have the capacity to build out a fully customizable system. Instead, we released an automated scheduling module to provide a limited schedule for our users to use if they choose.

Please reach out to us with further questions or issues!


Ben Sherrick

Good Afternoon Nancy,

I reached out to one of our graphic designers. She was able to verify that the line art comes from the full-color Lesson Theme Posters (available in the resources) and Student Take Home Sheets (not provided as printable files).
Please feel free to print out the Lesson Theme Poster if you would like the graphic printed in color. The black and white line art is included in the resources so that the students can color them in as an activity.
We understand that printing in color is very expensive for churches, so color is kept to an absolute minimum in things that churches have to print themselves. We do provide the color in the pre-printed resources.

Ben Sherrick


Between the family and the student information, the student registration form is about 1.5 pages. I would recommend adding fields to the Student form until it moves the Student section to the second page, then just print the second page. 

To get a report of your students, you can go to People -> Students and then click on the Actions dropdown to select 'Print full team roster'. However, this will print off each team separately, so this will be more then one page. 


Ben Sherrick

Hello Nancy,

I am looking more into why the content is being downloaded in black and white. Would you please provide the following information:

  • Unit #
  • Age Group
  • Content downloaded that is in b/w

Thank you!


Ben Sherrick


I confirmed on your account that you have access to KJV Resources. At this time, our new ABC Resources page only has ESV content. However, you can still access your KJV Resources and claim access codes on our old resources page at I have added the verse music access code for Unit 5 to your account, so you should have access to PreK music as well.

Please let us know if you have any further questions or issues!


Ben Sherrick