
Can I duplicate our past registration forms to this year?

BDeveau87 11 months ago updated by Benjamin S. (Answers in Genesis - Web Support Analyst) 10 months ago 3

Hi there, is there a simple way to clone our student and volunteer registration information from last year? I did not click "clone event" when logging into this year's theme, and I am not seeing any options similar to that now.

We highly customize all of our forms and it would be great to not have to retype everything again!

Under review


You would of needed to click "Clone Event" during the setup of this year's VBS theme. If you did not get very far in your setup, I can delete it and you can start a new Event. If you would like to go this route, let me know! 



Yes, I would like to delete it and start as a new event.  



Sure thing! I have deleted your 2024 VBS Event. Also, I deactivated your previous year VBS Events except for 2023 so that it would be the only choice when cloning. Please let us know if you have any further questions or issues! 

