Your comments

Your public page is available, and should work anywhere you share the link. If it is not working on your church webpage, there must be a typo. If you can provide a link to the page on your website where the link isn't working, we probably can tell you specifically what's wrong.

Your correct VBS page's address is:

BTW: If you'd like to change or shorten the first part of your public page address you can do that by going to Settings->Organization in Director. Once you change it, the old version will stop working. So if you do choose to change it, you'll want to do it before you start promoting the address of that page anywhere.

Just go to (You'll need to sign up or log in to view that page.)

Click the "Create Event" button. It will walk you through the steps of setting up your event. A few steps into the process it will prompt you to enter your code.

The Super Starter Kits include Digital Director Plus, but not the Digital Library, though you can purchase Digital Library with your Super Starter Kit. I looked at the orders associated with  your email address. Order number 1520429 has a purchase of just the Super Starter Kit, without the Digital Library.

Just go to:

You'll need to sign in or sign up for a free account to view that page. There's a field at the top of the page to enter your code.

Thanks for your input. I'll pass it on to the team for consideration.

BTW: The print downloads are currently available as a separate download. So, it you only want the handouts, you can get them separately.

It looks like the online resources haven't been updated for the new KJV version. I'll alert the team that handles the ABC content to get that corrected.

The downloads do appear to work, at least in recent versions of iOS. As the file is so large, it will take some time to download. Even over WiFi with a fast internet connection, it will take multiple minutes. Once it has downloaded, Safari will prompt you to choose an app to open the file with. So, you must have an app capable of working with zip files in order to do anything.

Again, this would not be my recommended way of using these files. Downloading and unzipping the files on a computer first, and then syncing any files you need to your mobile device would probably be much simpler. However, as long as you have the appropriate apps installed for the file types, your iOS device should work.

If you do continue to experience more difficulty, let us know what device you are using, what version of iOS you have, and whet specific error you are receiving.

I was able to confirm that that download is working for me in Windows, Android and Mac OS. I see no reason it wouldn't work in iOS, but I don't have an iOS device to test with over the weekend. I know iOS won't allow you to save video files directly to your device, but I don't believe Apple forbids saving of zip flies. I'll investigate further next week.

However, I really wouldn't recommend downloading large zip files to a mobile device. That file is 650 MB zip file, and nearly twice that size when unzipped. That's a lot of space on a mobile device. Working with zip files on a mobile device can be difficult. My recommendation would be to download the zip file to a computer and then sync just the files you need to your mobile device.

I'll update you when I am able to do some testing in iOS.

I just looked, at it appears they only put the missing videos in the adult lesson zip file. I'll alert the content team that this hasn't been correctly resolved. For now, you should be able to get what you need from the adult file.

Thanks for letting us know about the issue.