Your comments


I apologize for the issue! There was an issue where several VBS events did not get the default form fields when the event was first opened. This issue has been resolved all events that will be generated. Unfortunately, events that have already been generated and are missing these fields need to be deleted and a new one needs to be started. We are able to port over most of the event info. I was able to do this for your event, already. At your earliest convenience, please review your VBS event. 

In His service,


AiG Web Support


The task list is not required to be completed. You can just leave it the way it is. If it bothers you, you can check all of the check boxes. If you wish to delete the event, you can do so by going to settings, then clicking the edit button on the Event card. Once there, scroll to the bottom and click the "Delete Event" button. If you have any other questions or issues please contact us!

In His service,


AiG Web Support