no email address
Too bad we can't register people to volunteer unless they have an email address
We are working on ways to improve this field; meanwhile if you give me the URL of your public page I can manually fix it to make email field not required.
Thank you. Here it is:
The email fields for volunteer and family information are no longer required. They can be skipped, but they are not removable, as doing so would cause other elements of the site to not work properly.
Understood. Thank you so much. We don't mind that it's not removed as long as it is not in the way of being able to register either students or volunteers.
Something to consider and is easily done...
In this day and age, most everyone has email one way or another (family member, etc.), but one can always use a "dummy" email, especially for volunteers, Your church website can always issue that same dummy/general email to the church member(s) who doesn't have one. It's just an email, so it doesn't give any access to church website or emails other than for its use for this type of situation. Once all the registrations have been completed, this email (or emails) are easily and quickly deleted from the inbox.
Customer support service by UserEcho
The email fields for volunteer and family information are no longer required. They can be skipped, but they are not removable, as doing so would cause other elements of the site to not work properly.