Your comments

I totally overlooked the www as the differences between our website post and out fb post! Sorry! (I'm a little technologically challenged) Thank you SO much!

Hi there! My name is Brenda Langan. I'm the VBS director  for our church but I am not the administrator of the church webpage. Our pastor is. I gave him the link for our VBS homepage for him to include on our website and when you click on it you get one of two responses. One was that the server certificate has expired or 403Forbidden. Our website is  What confuses me is that I also have a fb page  (St. John's Faith VBS) and the link from there works perfectly fine. Our homepage link is for  Pastor Terry has contacted the Answers tech support and was told to check the link. I have checked the link again & again and typed it in on many devices and just keep getting either of the above responses. Unfortunately, literature promoting our VBS has gone out already with that link on it. We also have an expo this Friday where we will be handing out more as well as our towns Memorial Day parade where a large amount will be passed out so of course I need people to be able to access our page, even though it's not until later this summer...I appreciate any information you may have as to how to resolve this issue.