Your comments

Thank you!! I do understand some people needing individual downloads and was sure there was a way to do the "one and done" download as I'd done in the past. I just couldn't figure it out, but I have bookmarked the hyperlink you supplied so I can use it in the future when I open new units. I appreciate your help.

Yes, Yes, and Yes! I was coming here in hopes that someone here had figured out how to download all the PreK resources for the unit 7 I was on. I love Answers in Genesis, but the new website where I must click on 20 separate links per unit to see if I want to use each (or any) downloadable resource is ridiculous (and I didn't even get to the songs!). Having the option to download each resource individually is fine if that's what some people want, but please post a zip link for us so we can download a zip file for the whole unit like we used to do. I'm on Unit 7 (Lessons 61-70) and this is the first time I've had this problem.  Because I don't want to be a last minute Sunday School teacher and do a disservice to my kids, I plan an entire unit at once, so 20 clicks x 10's been a long evening.  Progress isn't progress with this newest site update. If someone out there is listening, please change this back!