
teacher access to resources

amanda 5 years ago updated by Benjamin S. (Answers in Genesis - Web Support Analyst) 5 years ago 3

When teachers log in they can't access any of the resources?  Why?  I need them to be able to see all of the printable to be able to use this to prepare at home.  Please help quick.  



Good Afternoon Karen,

I am happy to report that the teacher access issue has been fixed! Please let us know if you find any more content issues! Thanks!


Ben Sherrick

Yes. I need an answer to this too. Why can't the teachers print out materials. Also the interface for printing materials is very awkward. I would like to see the materials print out more like they are in the printed teachers manuals. I am getting way too many pages when I try to print from the ABC Digital. 


Hello Karen and Amanda, 

This is a known issue that our team is currently working on fixing. I apologize for the inconvenience this is causing you. We are also planning on adding print-worthy PDFs of the full lesson content on or before the full launch of ABC Digital.

Thank you for your patience,

Ben Sherrick


Good Afternoon Karen,

I am happy to report that the teacher access issue has been fixed! Please let us know if you find any more content issues! Thanks!


Ben Sherrick