Under review

there is no lesson 170 for 2nd-3rd on the ZIP files

horizonhburg 2 years ago updated by Benjamin S. (Answers in Genesis - Web Support Analyst) 1 year ago 4

Hi I don't see 2nd-3rd Lesson 170 for Unit 17 in the zip file section. Can you please help me with this? Thank you, Angela Howdyshell

I see all of the other UNIT 17 lessons except for that one. I just entered my unlock code today to download it. Thanks for your help!


Hello James,

I see from your account that you are claiming ESV codes. Please visit our ABC Resources at https://myanswers.com/edu/resources/. If you have any further issues finding Unit 17, please let us know! 



Hi there, what are ESV codes? Thanks!

Under review

Hello James,

For ABC Print there are access codes printed inside the cover of the Teacher Guides that can be claimed for additional digital resources. Are you looking for ESV or KJV materials? 

