
Public myanswers webpage URL?

Darcy 6 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 6 years ago 1

When I put in the public myanswers webpage URL for our church, it says this slug is not available. I know we used it in February when we had VBS. I created a new account because our access code wasn't working.  Wondering if this is the reason why we can't use the URL again. The URL that we want to use is firstbaptistchurchsgf. Is there a way to fix this so we can use it? Thanks.


Hi Darcy,

You created a new account for your Time Lab VBS as opposed to the Operation Arctic one, so instead of using the same organization, it was trying to create a new one. I fixed your Time Lab event to use the same organization information as before, so you shouldn't have any problems now. If you do encounter something, please don't hesitate to let us know and we'll be happy to help.

