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why is the wrong website url being put on my live page? it is taking me to a bank website and i never put that in there! how do i change that?

wendynb0429 4 months ago updated by Benjamin S. (Answers in Genesis - Web Support Analyst) 4 months ago 3

The "website" tab on my live page takes me to Coldwell Bank's website. how is this happening when I never put that in there and there is nowhere to change it.

Under review


Happy to help! What is the correct URL for your church website? 



I have emailed twice and haven’t heard a response, so I’m writing here. I’m trying to get our website up and running and it keeps sending me to the Coldwell Bank website. All help is greatly appreciated! 

Under review


Yes, I will need the correct URL for your organization in order to get it updated. Also, I am not seeing your other two emails. Please make sure that you are responding to this thread.

