
Is it possible to print an attendance sheet for each day that is populated with the registered students?

JenVBC 7 years ago updated by Roxanna 6 years ago 7

Thank you!


Hello Jen,

If you click on People --> Manage Attendance, at the top of the page there is a Print Report button. 





I don't want a report of attendance - I want a sheet that my workers can take attendance on.  One that has all of the registered students for their class.



Jen - we plan to use the team rosters for attendance sheets. We will highlight the word attendance at the top and explain that they can ignore the other columns if they aren't doing them. The allergies and medical issues are also printed at the bottom of each team roster so this is a bonus.

Hello Jen,

That is both and attendance report and an attendance sheet for the whole week. You can print it out and have your coordinators cross names off if you would like, and then fill in the attendance report online later, though we recommend checking students off on a phone or computer as they arrive.



Please make a printable attendance sheet available in the future. We also would like to have that so that we can see each day who has been there and who hasn't. Most of our people won't be using a computer or phone for attendance but will be using paper. We have a registration team that takes care of data entry for attendance. May be old school but it works for us. Thank you!!

I agree with D Masterson. It would be hard for a teacher with 23 wiggly kindergarten students in line to try to do this on a phone. A paper sheet is so much easier. I printed the attendance report and the daily sheet and gave to my teachers. that way they knew who had been daily and were able to either sheet to give me with daily attendance.


Hello Deeanna,

Thank you for your feed back. We have a task created to make printing attendance sheets more friendly for pen and paper tracking. We do offer a printable attendance sheet here: https://myanswers.com/vbs/manage/2833/attendance-report/

