
I'm having problems

jareed 2 years ago updated by Benjamin S. (Answers in Genesis - Web Support Analyst) 1 year ago 1

When using "Registration" I created the page with the "Registration Button" that takes a person to the Registration Form. I pulled down the menu and opened the QR Code. it comes up. When I scan it with my smart phone camera and tap it only the myAnswers color picture with the hills comes up on the phone screen but no "Registration Button" to reach the Registration Form.  From the time I received the "Digital Code" YP3Y-522E-2GH5 while on my cellphone May 19th this has been happening. All of my work setting up Greater Faith Baptist Church VBS has been done on my desktop computer at my job not at the church. How do I get the Registration Page with the "Registration Button" to come up on a cell phone screen (like it use to before receiving the Digital Code) when a person scans the QR Code with their cellphone so they can complete the Registration Form.

Was it something I did??? Please Help me straighten this out :)

Phone (803)308-8348 Jason


Hello Jason,

Apologies for the delay as we have been working through an influx of VBS tickets. Are you building this QR code on your church's website?  Your QR code will need the URL https://greaterbc.myanswers.com/greater-faith-baptist-church-inc/register/. Getting the access code for ABC Digital will have not affect on whether your QR Code will work as the access code is for the ABC Digital platform features. Please let us know if you have any further questions or issues! 

