
searching for people signed up for prayer

Christina 2 years ago updated by Benjamin S. (Answers in Genesis - Web Support Analyst) 2 years ago 1

When Volunteers sign up to help for different things before VBS, like prayer or building sets, is there a way I can put those into a group to see who signed up for what without having to click onto each volunteers' name to check if they did?



Apologies for the delay in response! Since your Volunteer Registration is closed, you will need to select all volunteers and then select 'Print Volunteer Details' from the action drop-down menu. Next time, you can filter the list of Volunteers by Role. So I would suggest creating a role that is 'Praying', 'Building Sets', etc. along with your normal roles. Hopefully, that makes sense, and if not just let me know! 

Please let us know if you have any further questions or issues! 

