
Edit public page issue

Sikes1995 6 years ago updated by Brad B. (Answers in Genesis - Web Development) 6 years ago 1

I am trying to edit my public page but the page keeps freezing up and will not let me make any changes.



Your public page should be working correctly now.

There was a bug that caused your church's location information to become corrupted when saving changes on the public page, which led to the page freezing up when trying to display the map. We have corrected the issue, so that shouldn't continue to happen. I also corrected your church's location information, so it should display correctly on the map.

Let us know if you run into more issues.



Your public page should be working correctly now.

There was a bug that caused your church's location information to become corrupted when saving changes on the public page, which led to the page freezing up when trying to display the map. We have corrected the issue, so that shouldn't continue to happen. I also corrected your church's location information, so it should display correctly on the map.

Let us know if you run into more issues.
