
volunteer roles and volunteer sign ups

Becky 8 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 8 years ago 1

On the volunteer roles you have to put a number of how many of each you need.  Does these numbers subtract when people sign up to volunteer?



No they don't, thanks for the suggestion though! Right now the process is pretty manual; that number is more for your reference than anything. You can manually adjust the number needed as people sign up and roles are filled. When you have enough in a role you can change its name to something like "Team Leader (All Positions Filled)" to let people know that you aren't looking for any more for that role.


No they don't, thanks for the suggestion though! Right now the process is pretty manual; that number is more for your reference than anything. You can manually adjust the number needed as people sign up and roles are filled. When you have enough in a role you can change its name to something like "Team Leader (All Positions Filled)" to let people know that you aren't looking for any more for that role.