
Student sign out, check out process

Rachel Gonzales 5 years ago updated by Kellytd05 3 years ago 4

Is there a way to mark students as picked up or sign them out electronically?



Hi Rachel,

Unfortunately no, we don't currently support signing students in and out; we do have the Attendance page, but it only tracks whether the student attended or not, not when they were signed in or out. Instead, you can use a separate check-in/out sheet or an online service like KidCheck. Our thinking was that for VBS, churches would just continue to use whatever system they were already using for Sunday School.




Hi Rachel,

Unfortunately no, we don't currently support signing students in and out; we do have the Attendance page, but it only tracks whether the student attended or not, not when they were signed in or out. Instead, you can use a separate check-in/out sheet or an online service like KidCheck. Our thinking was that for VBS, churches would just continue to use whatever system they were already using for Sunday School.




I would also love a check-out system. We have a separate system, but it doesn't make sense to check kids in twice. We'd prefer to use the AiG check-in/attendance tracker. Would be ideal to also have a check-out option.


Thank you for the feedback! I will pass this on to our development team for further review.


I second this- this would be SO helpful.  We have to create extra signout sheets and it would be so worth it to have this option.  Thanks!!