Wonderful praise regarding The Incredible Race
Hi, Scott and Arthur!
I am finally home and able to get onto my laptop to leave a wonderful praise regarding The Incredible Race. I followed your instructions and was able to make a post, but unfortunately the email I received was too long to show all of it. (Perhaps you can go in and "unpost" what I was able to do. It doesn't make much sense on its own; I wasn't able to take it down.)
I am going to include the full email for you to see. Maybe it isn't appropriate to post in this forum, so use it as you think best. Please know that we were blessed by all the work at AiG to provide this wonderful program.
Here is the email I received. The author, in her 20s, describes herself as a woman "of color" and gave me permission to share this with you. (You can leave out the bits about me.):
Hi Miss Jan,
I just wanted to say thank you for asking and encouraging me to lead in VBS this year. It was a challenge that made me grow in so many ways. If it wasn't for you being my biggest cheerleader and support I would have been too timid to even consider the role. It was wonderful to be a part of VBS this year in a less behind the scenes way. It was truly a joy to be apart of spreading the gospel to the children.
My cousin D'Ary really enjoyed VBS and can't wait till next year. Because of VBS it opened up an hour conversation with my cousin about Jesus, what it means to be His child, and the importance of praying for those that aren't saved like D'Ary's grandpa who is his legal guardian. My heart overflowed with joy to have him so freely ask good hard questions about God and His will for His people. Our church body are probably the only people in his life that are Christians. He feels so loved when he comes to church and doesn't want to miss it for anything and VBS deepened those feelings in him.
My grandmother Donna was very impressed by the Friday night dinner we had for the parents. She is the main care provider for D'Ary and was so pleased that he had been taught all week that we are all: one race, different shades of brown, and to love one another. She said that the topic was so appropriate and needed in such a time as the ones we are in today, which is huge coming from a woman that grew up in MLK Jr's time. Not only that but by having a female "of color" was, in her words, "practicing what you preached". She said the overall experience put a good taste of church in her mouth. The women at our church made such a positive impact on her by their hospitality that night. In the past I told her about how well my church loves on her great-nephew but that night she got to witness it for her self and what her skeptical eyes saw was the love of Christ poured out on her and D'Ary. I hope that the seeds that were planted that night will some day bear fruit a hundred fold.
Again thank you for all that you have done it has produced many beautiful things and I am so thankful and honored to have been able to assist you in it.

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