
1:1 button & short church name

Janet 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

Hi-On the set up page, it has a "short church name" (limit 6 characters). That shows up on the published page along with a 1:1 button. It doesn't link to my church's home page, it only links to itself. Can I remove the 1:1 button? Where does/should the short church name (CPC) go?

Thank you!



The short name is just used in places where we don't have room for a long name. For example, it's used on public page menu bar, as there is very limited space there when the page is viewed on a mobile device.

The logo and church name link back to your main public page. On the man page itself this is superfluous but it is helpful when the visitor is on one of the registration sub-pages, if you have that enabled. People tend to expect clicking on a site's logo will take them back to the home page, so we wouldn't want to remove that functionality.

Right now there is an issue where that logo is oddly positioned. Our designers are working on that.

Ahh, got it! I agree, the link back to the nome page is very helpful when you are not on it. Thank you!