
I cannot find any Incredible Race t-shirts, are they unavailable?

stevem 5 years ago updated by Arthur L. (Answers in Genesis - Business Analyst) 2 years ago 4



When in the myAnswers dashboard area, click on the "Supplies" / shopping cart logo on the left navigation menu. The very first category is "Gear". There are small arrows to the right and the left of the first two items shown <    >.  Clicking on either arrow will navigate the menu and you will find the T-Shirts displayed there.


When in the myAnswers dashboard area, click on the "Supplies" / shopping cart logo on the left navigation menu. The very first category is "Gear". There are small arrows to the right and the left of the first two items shown <    >.  Clicking on either arrow will navigate the menu and you will find the T-Shirts displayed there.


Thanks Joel! Your instructions are correct.

I'd also like to add that we are working on a fix that will allow us to show the t-shirts in the first set of products, so they will shore more prominently.

So fast forward a few year today, and it seems that the links to those specific products are dead or "no longer available". In event that I am understanding these correctly, do I have the rights to make my own tshirts with the incredible race shirts?

Yes, please feel free to make your own t-shirts for your VBS with the provided logos!