Your comments

I agree that this would be very helpful because throughout the week as we used the CSV option we ran into a few issues 

  1. The CSV export exports all STUDENT data. We wanted to email parents. If the parents brought multiple children we had to delete the duplicate students so that we could email just the parents. 
  2. We created a list in Mailchimp (the server that we use to email parents). I completely understand d the concerns with a few bad apples that makes it difficult to send custom emails directly from the platform. But every time a new person signed up for VBS we had to either manually identify them and add them to our Mailchimp list or if it was a large group of new registrants, create a brand new Mailchimp list. Would their be a way to better sync with common outside servers like Mailchimp, Vertical Response, etc.? Or has there been any progress on the SPAM concern? (Like requiring people to give concern to be emailed when they sign up before allowing churches to email them from the AiG platform). 

I look forward to your response. I’ve heard a lot of great things about improvements you have made based on feedback received from churches and overall we have been very impressed with your curriculum and technology. At our VBS, one of the #1 things we hear from parents is how much they love that their kids are learning about science at church. 

